Welcome to King’s Kids!
NURSERY (infants to PK3): 9:00 & 10:45AM. Self-serve room open with LIVE STREAM for parents of infants who are joyfully noisy or fussy. Located on the main hallway are staffed rooms for those ages 6 months to 3 years old with age-appropriate toys and activities (open 10 minutes before the start of each service).
KING'S KIDS CHURCH (PK4 – 6th grade): PK4 through 6th graders. Age-appropriate Bible lessons, songs, crafts, and activities. Children are dismissed after family worship from the sanctuary and picked up by a parent/guardian after the service in the upstairs classrooms.
- 9AM/10:45AM Classes: PK4-K; 1st-3rd; Club 456
- 10:45AM JUNIOR HIGH MINISTRY (JHM) 7th-8th grade: Offered in person on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month at the 10:45am service.
If you are thinking about visiting please fill out our King’s Kids Connection Card before you come to make the check-in process quicker! If you have questions or would like to know more about TKC King's Kids, please contact Dianna White, Children’s Ministry Director.
Where children come to KNOW JESUS as their Savior and GROW TOGETHER in relationship with Him in an environment where they feel safe and loved and SHOW GOD’S LOVE to those in their family, community and world as parents gain encouragement and support in Godly parenting.
From infants through middle school, we have fantastic opportunities for your children during our Sunday worship service at TKC. Our King’s Kids Nursery is a safe and loving environment for your littlest ones. King’s Kids Church for Preschool through Elementary school is where your child will experience fun, biblical lessons that assists you in providing them with a foundation as they move into adolescence and beyond. When you arrive at TKC, please stop by the check-in station and one of our King's Kids Team leaders will help you get your child checked into our secure check-in system!
NURSERY (6 Months - 3yr/Main Hallway)
9:00 & 10:45AM. These staffed rooms off our main hallway open 10 minutes before the service and remain open for the entire service. These rooms are for babies, crawlers, and toddlers up to 3 years old. Children two and up are in a class that has a special Bible message and activity designed specifically for their developmental needs. Each room is furnished with appropriate toys and equipment that is regularly cleaned to prevent the spread of germs. We also have a Nursing/Quiet area for Infants and Moms where you can watch the Live stream and attend to your littlest whether they are joyfully noisy or just fussy.
KID’S CHURCH (PK4 - 3rd Grade/Upstairs)
These already checked-in children are welcomed to line up in the sanctuary after family worship time by the side sanctuary door with their teachers and released to Kid’s Church. On Sundays, we use the GO! Curriculum for our Preschoolers - 3rd grade. GO! is a Children's Ministry curriculum that is... Chronological, Gospel-Centered, God Focused, Faith Forming and Filled with Fun! The children are divided into smaller age/grade-appropriate classes. They all engage in Bible lessons, Activities, Bible memory & Games.
KID’S CHURCH (Club 456/Upstairs):
These already checked-in 4th-6th graders are welcomed to line up in the sanctuary after family worship time by the side sanctuary door with their teachers and released to Kid’s Church. On Sundays, we use the New City Catechism Curriculum aimed at helping these students learn the core doctrines of the Christian faith via 52 questions and answers and delving into the Bible to make their faith their own. Club 456 also has a monthly social after church where the focus is building friendships with fun and food!
Check in: All children through 6th grade need to be checked in at our King’s Kid’s Greeter Station when they arrive at church. If you are thinking about visiting please fill out our King’s Kids Connection Card before you come to make the check-in process quicker! We will record any allergies or health concerns, provide an individualized name tag with a security number for your child, and a security label to the parents for check out at the end of services. PK4-6th grade are dismissed from the sanctuary after worship (line up with teachers inside the sanctuary). Parents drop off their nursery aged children at the classroom(s) denoted on their check-in label at the beginning of the service. Every child must have a name tag before proceeding to their classroom.
Check out: all parents must show their security label at checkout for 6 months through 6th grade.
Your child’s safety is our first priority! All King’s Kids team members 16 and up who serve in our King’s Kids program both downstairs (Nursery 6mo-3yrs) and upstairs (PK4-6th grade) are required to go through an application process and Ministry Safe security process. We encourage our 7th-12th graders (with parent permission and after completing an application) to serve as an assistant in our program. We institute the RULE OF THREE in all classes - where 2 approved volunteers are required to be with even one child. We offer regular training specific to our King’s Kids program for all our team members.
We offer fun for the whole family throughout the year - including movie nights, VBS, Easter Eggstravaganza, Family Camp, Christmas Pageant and more!
Do you have a special needs child?
Let us know how we can help you! We are actively developing our program and want all children to feel welcomed and included in TKC King's Kids! Contact Dianna White at with questions.
Stay Connected
We have family friendly small groups and marriage and parenting support. We have resources to help you to lead your child to Christ or if they have questions about being baptized. Questions? Contact our Children’s Ministry Director, Dianna White at or call the church office 703-543-6201.