Moms On a Mission exists to meet the needs of every mom and give them that needed breath of fresh air, by offering opportunities for connection, growth, and childcare. Whether you are a stay-at-home mom, a working, single, teen, or married mom – come join us! TKC MOMs is here to create community and fellowship for moms from any walk of life! Our twice monthly Friday meetings cover topics encouraging us to seek Christ or address practical issues to support us in our mothering journeys. Our playgroups & activities help provide a place for relationships with other moms to develop and grow.  

Our goal at TKC MOMs:  

  • To support each other in our high calling of motherhood
  • To know and live our value, purpose and mission as godly mothers

Registration for 2024-2025 season coming later this summer.  Details for the meetings:

  • Meeting days are generally 1st & 3rd Fridays (may be an occasional change due to conflicting holiday.) 
  • Meeting time: 10AM-11:30AM
  • Childcare check-in begins at 9:45AM
  • Registration is required to ensure childcare for all meetings

TKC MOM's on Instagram & be sure to contact us at with any questions.